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One of the greatest secrets of success is knowing when to move on. With the right resignation letter, you will do so with satisfaction and leave on good terms with your previous employer.
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1. Say thank you. Resist the temptation to leave a piece of your mind, unless you want to be remembered as an ungrateful whiner. In fact, do the opposite. Document positive memories of your job. Mention how this job has positively influenced your career.
2. Give proper notice. It is simple courtesy to give your employer a reasonable amount of time to fill your position. If your job is complicated, your employer may need time for you to train your replacement. Give notice of no less than two weeks.
3. Stay professional. Be respectful and courteous. Do not use emotional or controversial language in your letter. You are a professional, so quit like a professional.
4. Use the "sandwich technique" where you soften the blow of the bad news of your departure with positive statements on either side. Begin your letter with a positive paragraph.
5. Place your resignation in the middle of the letter.
6. Close your letter with another positive paragraph.
